Bruce Jones on N. Korea-US Summit Relations

Hosted by Alan Alexandroff


The liberal international order is showing increased strain as President Trump continues to conduct U.S. foreign policy. So, much has been happening recently: the chaos of the G7 Charlevoix gathering with President Trump withdrawing the U.S. signature from the summit communiqué. The on-again off-again summit between North Korea’s Kim Jung Un and President Trump took place on June 12th leaving most grasping to understand what the two leaders had in fact agreed to at the Singapore summit. These and other actions formed the core of the podcast discussion with Bruce Jones.

Bruce is the Vice President and Director – Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution as well as being a Senior Fellow in the Project on International Order and Strategy at Brookings. Bruce wrote an insightful book on the changing liberal order – “Ours to Lead: America, Rising Powers, and the Tension between Rivalry and Restraint” in 2014 and with Carlos Pascual and Steve Stedman in 2009 he co-authored “Power and Responsibility: Building Order in an Era of Transnational Threats”.

Jones has had extensive experience and expertise on intervention and crisis management. He served in the United Nations' operation in Kosovo and was special assistant to the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process. Jones also has significant experience on multilateral institutions. He was a senior advisor to Kofi Annan on U.N. reform and served as deputy research director to the U.N.'s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, as well as lead scholar for the International Task Force on Global Public Goods.

Come join Bruce and I in our discussion on ‘Shaking the Global Order'.

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