Hal Brands on China’s ‘Domination’ & US-China Competition

Hosted by Alan Alexandroff


Hal Brands is a contemporary historian that explores the current global order. He has focused, among other things, on the rising tensions and competition between China and the United States. With Jake Sullivan, a former Obama official and a non-resident senior fellow in Carnegie’s Geoeconomics and Strategy Program, they wrote an intriguing examination in Foreign Policy of the possible paths to global domination by China – “China has two paths to Global Domination.”I explore with Hal this article and ‘dig into’ current Trump foreign policy, especially towards China. Come join us for this global order conversation.

Hal Brands is an American historian. Currently, he is the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

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