Jentleson, Schake, Stein, and Tiberghien on the Liberal Order

Hosted by Alan Alexandroff


Recently, the City of Toronto was ‘ground zero’ for the 60th anniversary meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA). Thousands of colleagues gathered in Toronto to attend, roundtables, panels, and participate in presenting papers and receiving honors for their work on international relations. The occasion was far too ‘juicy’ to just let it pass. So, I gathered up some of my good friends to talk about the Liberal Order.

This podcast includes some of my colleagues from abroad. The gathering at our ‘studio’ - actually the lounge on the second floor of the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy – included: Bruce Jentleson from Duke University, Kori Schake from the IISS in London, Arthur Stein from UCLA and Yves Tiberghien from the University of British Columbia or UBC.

Briefly, Bruce is a professor of public policy and political science at Duke University. His most recent work is ‘The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from Twentieth Century Statesmanship’. Kori is currently the Deputy-Director General of the International Institute of Strategic Studies. Before her move to London, Kori was a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. She wrote ‘Warriors and Citizens’ with now former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis and her most recent publication is ‘America vs the West: Can the Liberal World Order be Preserved’. Arthur is a professor of political science at the University of California at Los Angeles and his most well-known publication is, ‘Why Nations Cooperate’. Yves Tiberghien is a professor of political science at UBC, director emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research and currently executive director of the UBC China Council. He has written extensively on global governance especially as it pertains to the G20 and Asia.

All my colleagues have thought deeply on the questions of the Liberal Order and the consequences to American foreign policy in the Age of Trump.

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