Joseph Nye Jr. on Conflict in the Cyber World

Hosted by Alan Alexandroff


In this podcast, we engage Harvard’s Joseph Nye Jr. in a wide-ranging conversation about cyber security. Joe has been at the forefront of the examination of critical issues in international relations. Recently, he has turned his attention to the impact of cyber security, cyber espionage and cyber warfare on international relations. Cyber has emerged as a critical feature of conflict in today’s international relations and the relationship of great powers including the United States, China and Russia. For further analysis of the cyber world see Trey Herr’s article here at Global Summitry called, “Governing Proliferation in Cybersecurity”. [Caroline can you add a url] Professor Nye is a Harvard University Service Professor, Emeritus and the former Dean of the Kennedy School. He has also served in various security positions in the American government. International relations scholars are well aware of his significant work in international relations including his examination of complex interdependence with Robert Keohane and Joe’s illumination of the concept of ‘soft power’ in international relations.

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