Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel on the 10th BRICS Summit in South Africa

Hosted by Alan Alexandroff


I sat recently to discuss the most recent BRICS Summit – the 10th anniversary summit in Johannesburg, South Africa with my colleague and friend Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel. Notwithstanding much criticism of the BRICS, especially from observers from the West, the annual BRICS summit meetings have remained a serous gathering of these emerging market country leaders. There is a growing list of meetings among BRICS officials and the BRICS have created a variety of international institutions, most notably the New Development Bank. I therefore was keen to explore with Oliver the evolution and impact of the BRICS summit on international governance.

Oliver is an associate professor of international relations at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Sao Paulo. There, with a number of his colleagues, he is launching a new School of International Relations. Oliver has written extensively on the politics of the rising powers, including The BRICS and the Future of the Global Order and his most recent book from Polity, Post-Western World: How Emerging Powers are Remaking the Global Order. He is a frequent commentator on the Hemisphere in journals and in the media across the region.

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